Thursday, May 3, 2012

2012 Final Report: National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Each year, joined by many community team members, it has been a great honor working with you to commemorate National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. This March marked the 5th year that Community Education Group, Inc. (CEG) developed campaign materials and themes for National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, an effort supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health. The year proved to be a successful year as CEG, along with you, our community partners, exceeded each of our deliverables on the contract.
Among the successes of this year’s campaign were:
  • The development of posters in both English and Spanish for the first time.
  • A collaboration with the Greater than AIDS campaign, the National Latino AIDS Action Network and others. 
  • The creation of an alliance of 527 community partners from 48 states, all doing their part to ensure that the National HIV/AIDS Strategy lives up to its goals of reducing HIV incidence, increasing access to care and reducing HIV-related health disparities.

From Columbia, South Carolina to Seattle, Washington, there are many more stories of lives that were transformed as a result of this year’s National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day events. In the pages that follow, you can read more of the highlights from functions across the country. A total of 44,995 pieces of campaign materials and giveaways were distributed at various events, including 83 copies of the DVD produced by Gilead Sciences entitled “Many Women One Voice –The African-American Woman and HIV.”  
This campaign would not have been a success without all of our community partners and the many people, organizations, government agencies and corporations who provided support. With the relationships forged and strengthened in the planning of this year’s National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, we have built a network that together can reach even more people and change more lives in 2013 and beyond. 
As we stand at a crucial point in the fight to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic, it is not too soon to begin building upon this year’s successes. As you are well aware, each year CEG competes for the contract for National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. To ensure that next year’s observance benefits from the foundation that we have constructed together, we are asking all of our community partners to contact Dr. Nancy Lee, Director of the Office on Women’s Health, to share with Dr. Lee your support for CEG’s continued role in the planning and implementation of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. We ask that you let Dr. Lee know how this event has made a difference in your community, and end the letter by saying that you would like to work with CEG again next year to build upon all that we accomplished together in 2012.  Dr. Lee’s email address is
Thank you to everyone who made National HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 2012 a success. I look forward to creating more deciding moments with you in the future, and I truly appreciate your support in making this possible. The goal is to end the epidemic. 


A. Toni Young, Executive Director
Community Education Group

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